Working at Comet Aachen

Aachen is the center of excellence for the development of high-frequency generators and thus an important development location for Comet.




Joining Comet

Your career at Comet Aachen

Students at Comet Aachen

In Aachen you can play an active role in shaping our company, undertake exciting tasks, and even tackle minor projects yourself.

Graduates at Comet Aachen

Graduates are fully integrated into our teams from day one. They are given responsibilities within a challenging position and gain first-hand experience of our business.

Aachen is the center of excellence for the development of high-frequency generators and thus an important development location for the COMET . Since 2011 we've been working to drive forward applications in medicine, laser technology and the solar and semiconductor industry through innovative high-frequency solutions.

The team at Comet Aachen

At Aachen you can look forward to a team- and employee-oriented corporate culture and a cooperative working environment. Small teams, short decision-making processes and close cooperation ensure you will be integrated into the company very quickly. You will work independently and in a task-oriented manner and work alongside our experts to realize projects that were previously not feasible. Open communication and regular exchanges with colleagues underpin our uncomplicated way of working, which is built on respect and trust towards our employees.

The work-life balance at Comet Aachen

We create the right working environment that enables you to realize your full potential. Flexible working hours, opportunities to work from home, part-time employment and our profit-sharing system all make working for us even more attractive and ensure an optimal work-life balance. We also offer free parking and individual performance-based pay.

Your responsibilities at Comet Aachen

We have varied and challenging positions in all areas of our company: since we are a plasma control technologies location, the specialists at our research and development center actively develop the kind of solutions that enable current trends such as the Internet of Things, big data and mobile communication.

Your colleagues worldwide

Arnaud Sottas, Flamatt

"I can experience the development of our products from up close. That gives me in-depth insight into the processes involved. Here I can test the boundaries of what is technically possible, while interactions with my colleagues give me inspiration time and again."

Christa Byrsting, Copenhagen

"I have a wide variety of tasks to undertake every day. That keeps my job exciting. Direct contact with our R&D team enables me to see first-hand how a product develops."

Yan Lulu, Beijing

"In Beijing we work together like a big family. Within our team, people support each other, and there is understanding and friendship."

Could this be you?

"We are looking for ambitious and passionate people who want to make a difference. Could this be you?"

Contact us

Markus Löhrer

Comet Plasma Control Technologies

+49 241 936870-305